Interactive online-forum for everybody working in the neuro-sector searching for technical solutions, knowhow and cooperations
How does the page work?
You can either click directly on the icon of the company, scientific work group or consortium you wish to contact or learn about. Alternatively, you can anonymously indicate your profession and interests. In the latter case, exhibitors matching your profile will be highlighted. By clicking on the icons, virtual booths of the exhibitors will open. Both via the exhibition homepage and via the virtual booths you can drop your email address with a request for getting contacted by the exhibitor.
Characterize yourself:

Commercial exhibitors


Scientific exhibitors


Scientific Consortia


Publishers Corner




Contact exhibitors

If you would like to get more information and get into direct contact with the AMIE sponsors and partners enter your e-mail address here and click to which sponsors your request for information shall be forwarded to.

Also visit:
The AMIE scientific and sponsored video conference:
The SuSIE Online Lecture Day and Key-Note Lecture: